N. Selivanova. The World of Roerich. NY: Corona Mundi, 1923. (Нина Селиванова. Мир Рериха) Книга вышла в конце января или начале февраля 1924. PREFACE This book is an attempt to interpret the art of Nikolai K. Roerich as well as to tell the main facts in the story of his life, because his life and his art are inseparable. The departure of the Russian painter for India has brought to a close a definite period of his work (1). Therefore a survey of what Roerich had accomplished up to the present day seemed opportune. A further reason prompted the writing of this book — In March of 1924 a Museum of Roerich's works will be opened in New York. It will stand as a monument to the artist's earnest hope for a closer spiritual relationship between Russia and America.
Re: N. Selivanova. The World of Roerich. NY: Corona Mundi, 1 Попытался сделать перевод текста, отредактировав то, что получилось от механического перевода: